THE UNOBTRUSIVE  | Inspired by 1960’s Dieter Rams Hi-fi wall system 
▎ Location: D2, HCM City
▎ Year: 2025
▎ Type of project: Design & Build
▎ Design & Build: T h i n h D o a n | I n t e r i o r D e s i g n e r
Five years ago, while exploring the Vitsœ 606 shelving system, I discovered Dieter Rams. From that moment, I dive into his design philosophy:
● Good design is unobtrusive
● Good design is long-lasting
● Good design is thorough down to the last detail
● Good design is as little design as possible
Since then, I’ve always hoped to work on a project where I could fully incorporate the inspiration from his legendary 10 principles of good design. But after waiting for so long with no luck, I figured—why not start with my own workspace first? 😆
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